In Krosno and the surrounding region there are numerous institutions, organisations and associations which significantly contribute to the business growth, in particular of small and medium enterprises. They include, among others, the following:

- Krosno Technological Incubator “KRINTECH” Ltd (Krośnieński Inkubator Technologiczny „KRINTECH” Sp. z o.o.),
- Sub-Carpathian Chamber of Commerce,
- “Aviation Valley” Association,
- Sub-Carpathian Cooperation Association – Light and Ultralight Aviation Cluster, Research and Development Centre B-4 (Podkarpackie Powiązanie Kooperacyjne – Klaster Lotnictwa Lekkiego i Ultralekkiego, Centrum Badawczo – Rozwojowe B-4),
- Rzeszów Regional Development Agency JSC (Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.),
- Sub-Carpathian Development Fund (Podkarpacki Fundusz Rozwoju),
- Guild of Various Crafts (Cech Rzemiosł Różnych),
- Union of People of Enterprise Association (Stowarzyszenie Unia Przedsiębiorczych).
Krosno Technological Incubator „KRINTECH” Ltd
The Krosno Technological Incubator is a municipal company aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and supporting individuals new to the world of business in starting and running their business activity. Support is mainly addressed at businesses implementing innovative technological solutions.
The Incubator delivers the means to initiate and engage in business activity (production area, associated services, office and warehouse space) and also the necessary administrative services, advisory services and promotion ventures. Businesses starting their activity at the Incubator are offered preferential rates for rent and lease – for instance during the first half-year of activity, the rent remains at only 25% of the base rent. Support for beneficiaries is given within ‘de minimis’ aid. The incubation period lasts up to 5 years.

Sub-Carpathian Chamber of Commerce
The Sub-Carpathian Chamber of Commerce offers entrepreneurs among other things:
- information services at the Local Consultation Point, free of charge,
- the search for a business partner or sub-contractor abroad,
- participation in study tours, trade missions, economic forum,
- business information and the offer of exchange services,
- organisation of fairs and exhibitions,
- organisation of meetings and seminars,
- trainings and guidance on how to run a business,
- services covering trainings for employees, also recruitment and the implementation of incentive systems,
- assistance in the formulation of a business plan and the preparation of loan applications,
- promotion on the websites of the Sub-Carpathian Chamber of Commerce and cooperating institutions,
- promotion withing the various publishing firms of the Sub-Carpathian Chamber of Commerce,
- advertising and printing services,
- Information Technology services.

“Aviation Valley” Association
The “Aviation Valley” Association represents more than 150 members, including companies from Krosno. It is the largest Polish industrial cluster of global importance and its operations translate into dynamic development of the Sub-Carpathian Voivodship. The Aviation Valley develops a cost-effective chain of suppliers, promotes Polish aviation industry and also cooperation with universities of technology and scientific and research institutes.
Sub-Carpathian Cooperation Association – Light and Ultralight Aviation Cluster, Research and Development Centre B-4
The B-4 Association is the coordinator of the Light and Ultralight Aviation Cluster. The cluster has approx. 40 members, including entrepreneurs, scientific and research units and institutions of business environment. It gives support to businesses of aviation and aviation-related sector.
In 2017 the B-4 Research and Development Centre of Propulsion and Aviation Technologies was set up. Its experienced research personnel using research stations and Ansys Mechanical CFD software carries out its own and commissioned research in the technologies of electrical drive (especially water drvices and aviation propulsion), aviation (UAV and ULM designing) and diving equipment, underwater scooters and navigation consoles for divers.
Rzeszów Regional Development Agency JSC
The aim of the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency JSC is to support the development of the Sub-Carpathian Province (Województwo Podkarpackie). RARR S.A. (RRDA JSC) cooperates with numerous institutions, promotes the region and supports local government.
It also runs a ‘Consultation Point’ which can provide information and advisory services free of charge for entrepreneurs and people intending to start up their own business.
The structures of Rzeszów Regional Development Agency JSC includes the Investor Service Centre which renders comprehensive advisory services for domestic and foreign investors.
Sub-Carpathian Development Fund Ltd
The Sub-Carpathian Development Fund Ltd, with its registered office located in Rzeszów, is a self-government company at the provincial level and offers financial instruments which can aid the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
The company’s objective is to manage the funds dedicated to supporting micro-, small and medium enterprises, in particular by facilitating their access to the required finance.
The fund is mostly involved in distribution of well-known financial engineering instruments, mainly loans and credit guarantees.
Guild of Various Crafts
The Guild associates representatives from many areas of trade and business, i.e.: hairdressing, confectionery, carpentry, auto repair, metalwork and bakery businesses.
A training centre of the Guild of Various Crafts in Krosno organises and promotes various kinds of training courses specific to individual professional needs.
Union of People of Enterprise Association
The Union brings together entrepreneurs from Krosno who are actively engaged in various industrial professions, and also supports and promotes local businesses. The Association is actively engaged in the organising of cultural events and ceremonies, coupled with the integration within all facets of the local community so as to popularise the region’s rich tradition and culture, and promote local products.
Municipal Office of Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28 A
38-400 Krosno
City Development
and Investors’ Assistance Department: