The area of Krosno is supplied by three electrical substations (GPZ) managed by PGE Dystrybucja S.A. Oddział Rzeszów (PGE Power Supply Distribution JSC, Rzeszów Division). All power lines have sustainable power reserves enabling to supply existing and future consumers.
The “Krosno – Airfield” Investment Zone area can be connected to either low or medium voltage grids. Currently, the reserve power resources being supplied by the transformer station within the Zone are at 15 MW.
Technical conditions for connection to the power grid are issued by PGE Power Supply Distribution JSC, Rzeszów Division – Krosno Power Supply Region.
Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o. o. (Polish Gas Industry Company Ltd), Oddział Zakład Gazowniczy (Gas Supply Division) in Jasło is a local operator of the gas network distribution system in Krosno. Consumers receive methane-rich natural gas with a calorific value of at least 31 MJ/m3. Easy connection to the gas network is possible as the suppy is located in close proximity to the “Krosno – Airfield” Investment Zone.
Applications for issuing technical conditions for connection to the network are handled by Gas Suppliers (Gazownia) in Krosno.
Mains water is supplied to Krosno from principally three water sources. There are huge reserves of water here. The areas of the “Krosno – Airfield” Investment Zone are well supplied with water for both industrial and domestic purposes. Each of the plots offered is equipped with either utility pipelines and a sewage system from within the area, or one in close proximity. The available water volume is 4000 m3 per 24 hours and the maximum volume of wastewater discharged to the sanitary sewage system is approx. 3800 m3 per 24 hours.
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej (Municipal Utilities Company) – Krośnieński Holding Komunalny Sp. z o. o. (Krosno Municipal Utilities Holding Company Ltd) – Wodociągi Krośnieńskie (Water Supplies and Sewage Collection Company) issues technical conditions for connecting the investment facilities to the water supply system and sanitary sewage system.
Investments areas are fully equipped with the municipal rainwater drainage system. Technical conditions for the conveyance of rainwater are issued by the Public Utilities Division of the Krosno Municipal Office.
Among others, Krosno has a municipal broadband network available for entrepreneurs investing in the “Krosno – Airfield” Investment Zone. The connection speed is 1 Gb/s.
The infrastructure is managed by the Municipal Utilities Company – Krosno Municipal Utilities Holding Company Ltd. Consumers may use the various services of numerous telecommunications service providers.
Municipal Office of Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28 A
38-400 Krosno
City Development
and Investors’ Assistance Department: